Google Search’s Helpful Content System

Google Helpful Content

Hey there, curious minds! Have you ever wondered how the internet works? You know, when you search for something and a bunch of stuff pops up? Well, there’s this super cool search engine called Google, and it’s like the master of the internet. But did you know that Google likes some stuff more than others? … Read more

Why do backlinks Lost?

Why backlinks are lost or decrease

Backlinks are like pathways on the internet that connect one webpage to another. Imagine you’re on a treasure hunt, and each backlink is a clue leading you to the treasure (which is the information you’re looking for). But sometimes, these clues disappear, and you’re left wondering why. Let’s dive into why backlinks decrease and what … Read more

The best ways to use social signals for on-page SEO?

social signals

Today, we’re going to talk about something super cool: social signals and how they can help make your website awesome! So, grab your imaginary explorer hats, and let’s dive right in! Imagine you have a super cool clubhouse in your neighborhood, and you want everyone to know about it. What would you do? You might … Read more

How to handle canonical error

duplicate content

Today, we’re going to talk about something super important in the world of SEO and internet magic: duplicate content or canonical error. But don’t worry, we’ll make it as easy as pie for you to understand! Imagine you have a favorite storybook. You love it so much that you want to share it with all … Read more